Home Subaru How Many Miles Can A Subaru Outback Last? Are They Reliable?

How Many Miles Can A Subaru Outback Last? Are They Reliable?

How Many Miles Can A Subaru Outback Last? Are They Reliable?

The Subaru Outback is one of the more reliable cars of its type on the market, making it popular among Subaru’s loyal customers. Many owners continue driving their Outbacks for years to come and it often ranks highly on reliability and safety studies and is usually a great buy. However, this does not mean that they come without issues.

How many miles can a Subaru Outback last? It is expected to last over 300,000 miles as long as you keep up with regular maintenance. There are also some common problems when the Outback has covered over 100,000 that you need to be aware of.



Is a Subaru Outback reliable?

Subaru is a car manufacturer that is known for its reliability. The brand is popular among its loyal consumers because of its affordability and range of capabilities. If you keep up with regular maintenance of your Subaru Outback, it should last you for at least 300,000 miles on the road, proving it to be a reliable car.

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When tested in comparison to other similar vehicles the Subaru Outback ranked well on reliability. It is a car that has been made for over twenty-five years. According to a range of reliability studies, the Subaru Outback ranked as average reliability.

Subaru Outback maintenance

As long as you maintain your vehicle regularly, it is highly reliable and you can expect to be driving for years to come. The Subaru’s engine including parts such as the rings, crankshaft, pistons, and bearings, will last indefinitely as long as you never let the oil level drop below what is recommended. The engine will usually last for years without needing to be repaired.

When it comes to the reliability of your Subaru, it is also important to look at your own habits when driving, as well as how often you maintain your car. With a good schedule of maintenance, the Subaru Outback should last you for over 300,000 miles. The Outback’s owner’s manual will recommend two maintenance schedules depending on how you drive the car.

Subaru Outback engine reliability

Some owners have found it necessary to have the engine’s cylinder walls repaired after years of use, however, their engine block did not require attention. Subaru engines differ from other car manufacturers, their engines often last a lifetime and are extremely reliable. Many Subaru engines last for over fifteen years and more than 300,000 miles. However, this is only possible if you maintain the car, make regular oil changes, and look after the timing belt.

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Subaru Outback transmission reliability

You should expect your Subaru’s transmission to last for over five years as long as you properly maintain it and take care of it.

What are the most common problems on a Subaru Outback?

Despite that Subaru Outback is considered to be a relatively reliable car, it is not without its issues. There are a few widespread problems related to the Outback, however, they do come with a simple fix.

Front engine oil leaks

Many Subaru Outback owners complain about front engine oil leaks in their vehicle because of a failure of the camshaft seal. Other similar issues such as a failure of the crankshaft’s seal are also quite common. The fix for this issue is usually quite simple and many owners replace the seals without issues. However, after time, some owners have found it necessary to replace the timing belt too. There are a few models that are affected by this particular issue, mainly those models between 2000 and 2003. This problem usually occurs when the vehicle has been driven between 72,000 and 210,000 miles.

Vibrating and shuddering of the engine/ transmission converter torque failure

Other owners have experienced an issue of vibrating and shuddering engine. This problem usually occurs when accelerating and it is said to be connected to a failure of the transmission converter torque. To remedy this issue, the torque can be replaced. Many owners have reported this common problem and it affects models that are newer than 2000. This issue usually occurred at an average of 112,000 miles.

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Head gasket failure

Another issue common to the Subaru Outback is connected to its head gasket. Some owners stated an issue with the cooling system which led to a failure of the head gasket. This issue became so common that the company extended the car’s warranty to 8 years and 100,000 miles for most models. Owners of sixteen different Outback models newer than 1999 experienced this issue around 100,000 miles.

Oxygen sensor issues

There is a range of sensor issues according to some consumers. The car’s front oxygen sensor developed cracks in many vehicles which caused a light to show. Many cars that were affected were called back to the company to have their sensor replaced.

Battery and glow plug issues

Some of the most common problems related to a Subaru Outback are battery and glow plug issues. However, according to a study, Subaru Outback owners who experienced these issues reported quick turnaround times with their cars being off the road for less than twelve hours.

Subaru Outback years to avoid

According to reports, owners with Subaru Outback 2013 and 2015 models experienced the most problems. While it is important to consider the issues that are common with a particular vehicle, no car comes without its potential problems. The Subaru Outback is largely a safe and reliable car.

To sum up…

While Subaru may not be the most reliable car brand on the market, the Subaru Outback is a relatively reliable car. It is important to look at the issues that are common with this vehicle, however, they are largely a safe and reliable car. They always attain high ratings on dependability, value ratings and are often known to drive for over 300,000 miles on the road. The Subaru Outback is a great buy and one of the best when it comes to reliability and safety.